Evaluating Program Effectiveness

A National Science Foundation (NSF) grant was awarded to UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science to  develop and provide a program that increases student’s interest in STEM.  The program is a three week summer program  serves serves traditionally  underrepresented high school students in Oakland Unified School District and  integrates solar, math and college and careers skills. The program–Educational Pathways to College and Career (EPICC)–is in the third year of the grant and is providing students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to succeed in STEM majors and pursue STEM-related careers. As the external evaluator, Pedroso Consulting provides feedback, site visits and conducts analysis of program data. Visit the Stelar website for more program information and to view a short video of the program.

Developing and Delivering Training

To increase awareness of suicide prevention among the Spanish-speaking community, the Reconozca las Señales campaign developed a Spanish flip chart, El Rotafolio, that is accompanied by a two-day “train the trainer” training for county staff and community health workers or promotores. El Rotafolio empowers community health workers and others working with the Spanish speaking community to educate their peers about suicide prevention. Pedroso Consulting worked to develop and deliver the training. In addition, Ms. Pedroso conducted an evaluation of the program and training.  Currently, Pedroso Consulting manages the El Rotafolio program through a licensing agreement with the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA).

Assessing Program Progress

As a recipient of the School Improvement Grant (SIG), the state of Wyoming was required to contract with an external consultant to evaluate progress made towards the towards SIG goals. Pedroso Consulting was contracted to develop an assessment rubric and evaluation plan for two school cohorts receiving the SIG funds. As part of the evaluation, focus groups with teachers, staff, parents and students were conducted as well as review of both educational outcomes and financial grant activities to assess program implementation of site’s goals. The State received an overview of progress made by sites and recommendations to assist sites in reaching their goals.